Author : Russell

What Is Mentalism? (Including Mentalism Secrets)

To explain ‘what is mentalism,’ it’s required to understand a bit about the mind and how this works. Mentalism focuses on mental perception and thought processes, but in many of the techniques used, mentalism taps into the subconscious mind. Mentalism can appear that the performing mentalist is telepathic, a clairvoyant, a medium or a psychic. When in fact a mentalist is none of those. It uses clever mind control to give the perception of all these things, when in fact people are having their minds controlled or their body language read, or both.

Mentalism Tricks Revealed (Mental Shape Projection)

The Mentalist in the hit US series uses shape projection to misdirect his colleague for her to say the two shapes he wanted her to say in the first place. Before you read the answer, watch the video one more time. See if you can spot how he does it before you see the mentalism trick revealed. This way you will benefit more from the revealed answer below. This mentalism trick is revealed to help you on your way to learning mentalism.

What Is A Mentalist And What Do They Do?

A mentalist is a performing artist who performs mentalism. Mentalists play mind games with their audience where their techniques can appear as if they are reading minds. Performances can also give the illusion that they are clairvoyant. Their clever mind games can have people believing they are professional mediums or they are somehow telepathic.

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