How rich is Derren Brown?
When people search on how much your worth, you know you’ve made it! But how much is Derren Brown worth? You may be interested in knowing simply because he’s a celebrity. But on the other Hand you may be interested because you want to emulate him and become a mentalist yourself.

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How much is Derren Brown worth is not as important as what his net worth means if you want to become a successful mentalist like him. Derren Brown is thought to be worth around $7.5 million, which is according to Celebrity Net Worth. His net worth has been built up from his appearances on TV, alongside his successful stage shows around the world. Derren Brown is a British mentalist, but he’s also considers himself to be a psychological illusionist too. He’s also a very creative person showing his skills in painting and writing.
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How much is Derren Brown worth?
Let’s get this bit out of the way right from the beginning. I don’t know how much Derren Brown is worth and personally I don’t particularly care. But according to celebrity net worth Derren Brown is worth $7.5 million.
I write this article for the purpose to spur you on if you’re looking to become the next famous mentalist. Whilst it would appear from writing about famous mentalist Lior Suchard, that being an Israeli makes it more likely you’ll be a successful as a mentalist.
Derren Brown is British and whilst it would appear he’s not as wealthy as Suchard, he’s certainly successful. If of course you measure success by money.
More Reading: Famous Mentalists To Emulate (How They Became Famous)
Who is Derren Brown?
Derren Brown is the most famous in the UK where his name is synonymous with the art of psychological manipulation. Not only is he a very talented mentalist and performer, but also he has a talent for art. See the portrait caricatures he’s done of the likes of Anthony Hopkins, Donald Trump and Stephen Fry. Take a look here at some of his paintings – their fabulous!
Derren Brown started his career as a conjuror and performed traditional skills of close-up magic in bars and local restaurants when he was at university.
It was in 1992 that he began performing stage hypnosis using his first stage name Darren V. Brown when he was at the University of Bristol. From this he’s gone on to become a mentalist and he describes this as “the dubious art of getting inside your head.”
Derren Brown’s heroes are Chan Canasta a pioneer of mental magic in the 1950s and 1960s and David Berglas who is a magician and mentalist, who’s secret technique of locating a particular card within a pack has been described as the Holy Grail of card magic.
More Reading: “Even more amazing… the skills he reveals are so simple, you can begin doing mind-boggling magic tricks and illusions starting as soon as you receive Master Mentalism, with total confidence and flair. Again – mentalism, magic tricks, mind reading, levitation, hypnotism, illusions any style of magic or mentalism you’re into just explodes and comes alive before your eyes.”
Master Mentalism Course
Where his TV career began
It was in December 2000 that Derren began his UK television career with a series of specials called Mind Control.
2019 Derren Brown Ted Talk
To discover a bit more about Derren Brown, here’s a Ted Talk he did labelled “Mentalism, mind reading and the art of getting inside your head.”
I could watch Derren Brown all day long. His performances are effortless, but yet so capturing and memorizing.
“REVEALED: Underground Mind Reading Secret – Learn The SAME Technique That Almost Started A Cult And Convinced People Of REAL Powers That You Can Do to ANYONE, ANYWHERE at ANYTIME! (Works 100% Of The Time).”
The Revelation Effect
Derren Brown demonstrates mind Reading himself, but openly admits that it’s not possible other than by using tricks and techniques you would learn in the above course.
More Reading: How Does A Mentalist Read Minds?
If you would like to learn how to do amazing mentalist tricks that will make your friend’s jaw drop, look at the Master Mentalism course.
Master Mentalism is an in-depth course that will show you the secrets behind most of the popular mentalist magic tricks there are.
In just a short time after learning from Master Mentalism you will know exactly how mentalists do what they do!
For a ridiculously small investment on your part you will be learning some fantastic mentalism and magic skills. These skills will not only make you the life of a party, but they will set you on your way to become the next famous mentalist!
I hope you enjoyed this article about how much is Derren Brown worth
I’d love to hear from you. Tell us about your journey to become a performing mentalist or magician (or both). Please comment below. Please also share your experiences, both good and bad.!
If this article hasn’t answered all of your questions. If you have more questions either about mentalism or magic, I will try to answer them (or specifically about how much is Derren Brown worth), please comment below with your questions.
There will also be many more articles about mentalism for you to read and learn about this fantastic skill.
Have fun and enjoy your journey to become a mentalist!