If you live in London, UK and you are looking for an easy to follow mentalism course, this article is for you. I wrote this article, as I know that many people in London are interested in mentalism.
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If you’re looking to learn mentalism in London, this mentalism course will teach you the following skills…mentalism, mind reading, hypnotism, levitation, remote viewing (ESP or telepathy), card tricks, spoon bending and illusions. You will learn enough to do mentalism and magic at parties or weddings or to even become the next stage performing mentalist or magician in London, UK, just like Derren Brown.
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Mentalism course in London
If you live in London, and you are keen to learn mentalism from a top course, you can from the Master Mentalism course reviewed in this article. This is a ‘second to none’ mentalism course.
If you’re looking to become the next Derren Brown. If you want to wow the crowds of the world and become a stage performing mentalist, this course will get you there. You may have read books on mentalism.
You may have searched the internet for free online course or content. But whatever you’ve looked for and read or watched, this will not live up to what’s contained in this Master Mentalism Course.
This is especially true if you are looking to become a professional mentalist like Derren Brown.
What you can learn and pickup online for free will get you to a level that you’ll be able to perform mentalism effects and tricks with your friends and family. But this will not get you to Brown’s or any of the other famous mentalists level of skill and professionalism.
The UK-based mentalist Brown, is referred to as ‘Clearly the best dinner-party guest in history,‘ The Guardian Newspaper. He became a household name in 2000 with a series called ‘Mind Control’ on Channel 4. Since then, Brown has gone on to have many more successful shows across the country and on TV.
You could be the next mentalism star from the UK and London to emerge.
Derren Brown developed his skills in hypnosis and magic whilst he was studying law and German at Bristol University. Now his name is synonymous with all forms of psychological manipulation and mind control.
Video of Derren Brown chatting up some beautiful women
What you learn in this mentalism course
This mentalism course is the most comprehensive course you will find. In fact, it’s very difficult to find mentalism courses and especially in London!
The course includes the following mentalism skills and effects…
Have you ever wondered how the mentalist pros like mentalist Derren Brown do what they do on stage?
Well now you can discover this for yourself. This amazing course, which reveals all the top secrets of mentalism is like no other mentalism course around.
Mentalism is a combination of mind trickery and psychological manipulation.
Street magic tricks
Many magicians like Dynamo started out doing street magic. You too can learn some magic tricks to begin your street magic. Record your tricks on Youtube and get discovered just like Dynamo did.
Mind reading
I think that the mentalism mind reading is one of the most fascinating aspects of mentalism. If you can master this skill alone, you will leave people spell-bound in wonder.
A favourite of Derren Brown’s is to create the illusion of mind reading on stage. He’s also extremely good at Barnum Statements too or creating the illusion that he’s a psychic or clairvoyant.
Hypnotism and become a stage hypnotist
You can have a lot of fun hypnotising people on stage and people find this extremely entertaining. Learn how to hypnotise people and have them under your control.
Levitation techniques
Learning levitation is another one of those amazing tricks that magicians do. If this is a skill you’ve always wanted to learn how to do, this too is included in this comprehensive mentalism and magic course.
Remote viewing or ESP
Another fascinating mind trick is remote viewing or ESP (Extrasensory Perception). If you want to add this skill to your repertoire, then it too is included in this fantastic master mentalism course.
Card tricks
Card tricks are everyone’s favourite. If you learn some simple, but effective card tricks you can use these at parties or weddings. Become an entertainer and become a card trick magician.
Spoon bending
Most people remember Uri Gella the spoon bending magician. You too can learn how to do these amazing tricks too after you’ve done this master mentalism course.
Learn many illusions that will be unique and have your friends in amazement.
Bonus material included with the course…
There’s also bonus material included on the course. This includes over 500 card tricks, plus David Blaine’s magic tricks are revealed, together with a free month’s subscription to Mesmerize Monthly.
In Mesmerize Monthly you will gain access to extra magic, mentalism, NLP and hypnosis videos. You’ll also gain access to interviews with the likes of Criss Angel, plus other exclusive content.
I hope you enjoyed this article about mentalism course in London…
I’d love to hear from you. Tell us about your journey to become a performing mentalist or magician (or both). Please comment below. Please also share your experiences, both good and bad.!
If this article hasn’t answered all of your questions. If you have more questions either about mentalism or magic, I will try to answer them (or specifically about mentalism course in London), please comment below with your questions.
There will also be many more articles about mentalism for you to read and learn about this fantastic skill.
Have fun and enjoy your journey!
Mentalism Course London (Mastering Mentalism In the UK)
Hello Sajjan, thank you for your comment about the mentalism course in London. I’ve removed your email address to avoid you getting spammed! The course that I’m referring to is linked to above, but just so you have it again, please follow this link here: https://thementalismcourse.com/master-mentalism-course/
Hi Aditya, great please feel free to take a look at the Master Mentalism course – there’s a link above to where to join up – see where is says: Master Mentalism Course – To learn mentalism in 30 days
I would like to know more about this course.Could you please send me the details to my email
Hello Sajjan, thank you for your comment about the mentalism course in London. I’ve removed your email address to avoid you getting spammed! The course that I’m referring to is linked to above, but just so you have it again, please follow this link here: https://thementalismcourse.com/master-mentalism-course/
Im very much interested
Hi Aditya, great please feel free to take a look at the Master Mentalism course – there’s a link above to where to join up – see where is says: Master Mentalism Course – To learn mentalism in 30 days